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When looking for low-maintenance and durable furniture, leather is a premium quality to consider. You can easily keep your leather sofa, ottoman, and other furniture pieces in mint condition if you maintain them properly.

When you buy leather furniture, you make a significant investment for the future because no one buys new furniture regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to choose one and maintain it accordingly to ensure longevity. The leather furniture is going to last for years to come. Consequently, you should choose one that meets the aesthetics of your house.

Types of leather upholstery

There are two types of leather upholstery, and each of them needs a specific kind of maintenance. If you want to know the type of leather in your furniture, check the manufacturing details. However, if you’re not sure about how to care for your leather furniture, let us help you.

  1. Unprotected Leather

These are also known as aniline or unfinished leather. The furniture made from this leather is very soft in texture and adds affluence to your home. This type of leather has no surface pigmentation along with little or no protective coating at all.

The aniline leather is not only expensive but more prone to staining. Pull-up leather and nubuck is one of the most common types of aniline leather.

  1. Protected Leather

The furniture you usually find is made of protected leather. It could be aniline along with pigment, pigmented or semi-aniline leather. Compared to aniline leather, protected leather provides extra comfort, durability, stain-resistance, and a better appearance.

Semi-aniline leather is dyed using aniline and has a softer touch, similar to aniline leather. Various aniline leather made furniture have protective coatings of thick layers of polymer or pigment to provide a stiffer approach. Furthermore, it helps to prevent wear and tear.

Clean Your Leather Furniture Regularly

Leather is a very durable material, however, still degrades with time; hence, it requires regular maintenance. Routine maintenance and cleaning of leather furniture are essential.

A weekly maintenance schedule can help to keep the leather furniture in proper shape and condition. Hence, you will be able to avoid the risk of mismatched upholstery.

Follow these steps to keep your leather furniture in the best condition:

  1. Use a soft cloth to remove dust from the surface of your furniture. It is advisable to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove dirt from the furniture’s crannies.
  2. There are several products in the market available for cleaning the furniture. However, it is advisable to check the leather furniture care products reviews before choosing one. Moreover, you should avoid going for DIY measures that they boast about on the internet. These can do more harm than good.
  3. It is advisable to wipe the surface of the furniture using a damp cloth. However, you should use distilled water and not tap water because chlorine from tap water can damage the leather surface. You should avoid soaking up the leather sofa.
  4. It is advisable to use leather care products for cleaning the leather furniture once every two to four weeks. You should avoid using all-purpose wipes from the supermarket because they will damage your leather furniture even before you know it.
  5. Allow your leather sofa to dry for a significant time. It would be best if you do not sit on it while it’s still in the drying phase as it can bring down the longevity. Furthermore, it will also help to avoid creases from appearing.

Oil is a significant part of leather that needs replenishment from time to time to maintain the condition. This can play an essential role in keeping your leather furniture soft and shiny. However, regular use of leather furniture will require proper maintenance.

Shop with Valentines Furniture in Bendigo for the best in leather furniture care products.