
In:Chesterfield Sofas

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There is something absolutely captivating about the chesterfield sofa. They are a true symbol of traditional, premium craftsmanship and, although initially designed in the 1800s, that still holds true today.

Despite the design of the chesterfield sofa being born centuries ago, the style and design remains very much the same today and still holds a strong place in people’s homes, offices and their hearts.

Creating The Perfect Study or Office

If you have a library or large study in your home, or you have an office or practice from within your home, then you want to add a seating piece that will truly complete the room and give it character. You want a place where you can sit and think and immerse yourself in the knowledge of the books and documents that you consume there.

It may not even be your home, but perhaps your practice or office space, where clients frequent and you want to create a décor that says that you’re a professional but yet is welcoming and comfortable for a client or patient to sit and spend time.

If that’s the case, then there is nothing quite as grand as having the commanding chesterfield sofa, with its engrained feel of wisdom and history oozing from the leather, set up in your study or office.

Elegant Traditional Taste

The traditional style has certainly ingrained itself in the modern home, and it still holds strong as a popular choice of décor for many homes and offices across Australia.

There really is no more traditional looking sofa than the chesterfield, and for that reason, it remains one of the most popular choices for completing this look in your home or your office space.

The chesterfield sofa has such a distinct sense of elegance that is unseen in other sofas available in the market today. It’s enriched feel of tradition and untold history, truly creates an elegant designer look in any room that the chesterfield graces.

Make It Modern

Although world-renowned for being steeped in tradition and with origins dating back to the 1800s, the chesterfield still maintains its role in the modern household and for this reason it retains its popularity, even in a younger generation of buyers.

With the right modern touches, the chesterfield is effortlessly brought into the 21st century and it is this versatility that has kept the chesterfield in fashion for many centuries.

Pair the chesterfield with a vibrant modern geometrical rug, a bold accent wall colour and you have the makings of an ultra-modern space, utilising a chesterfield sofa design that has been around for centuries.

Enjoy the Comfort

Although they can be the embodiment of classic design and make a stunning addition to any home, the chesterfield sofa are also renowned for being the ultimate in comfort. The chesterfield sofa has the ability to offer extreme relaxation to anyone who is lucky enough to rest on it.

The most comfortable chesterfield sofa styles are the ones where the backrest is slightly angled backward, giving a better alignment with the spine. The options available can create a softer or a firmer seat, but that usually comes down to personal preference.

That’s why it’s a great idea to visit a chesterfield sofa stockist in Bendigo, so you can enjoy the comfort in person and find the one that is absolutely perfect for your personal preferences. Valentines Furniture have chesterfields on display for you to test out and enjoy.

Where to Find a Chesterfield Sofa

If you’re in search of a chesterfield sofa to complete that traditional look in your home, office or study, or you want to add a chesterfield to a funky modern space, then contact the friendly team at Valentines Furniture or visit our store at 56 Beischer Street, Bendigo, Victoria. Shop with us today!